Within the past week Edward Luttwak wrote a really weird op-ed piece in the NY Times (which should never have published it -- never, never) mournfully and completely incorrectly asserting that Obama was an apostate meaning someone who betrayed his original faith, Islam. Luttwak says this means that the Muslim world would NOT welcome Obama as president.
Several writers have shredded this assertion completely and effectively. Obama is not, by Islamic law an apostate. None I think has done it better than Juan Cole, a distinguished professor at the University of Michigan with particular expertise in the Middle East. You can read his response here.
One of the interesting points he makes is that neither his religion nor his sex have much to do with whom Middle Easterners favor: Pakistan favors Clinton, apparently.
If you have friends who still manage to believe that Barak is somehow a Muslim or ex-Muslim, show them this Juan Cole post.