We've heard practically nothing -- or I've heard practically nothing -- this election season about immigration.
Here's Obama's statement, on his web page, about immigration:
"The time to fix our broken immigration system is now… We need stronger enforcement on the border and at the workplace… But for reform to work, we also must respond to what pulls people to America… Where we can reunite families, we should. Where we can bring in more foreign-born workers with the skills our economy needs, we should”
— Barack Obama, Statement on U.S. Senate Floor, May 23, 2007
Here are the main points of his proposals:
Create Secure Borders
Improve Our Immigation System
Remove Incentives to Enter Illegally
Bring People Out of the Shadows
Work with Mexico
You can find details here.
Here's John McCain's statement, on his web page, about immigration -- presented on the issues menu as "border security":
As you know, I and many other colleagues twice attempted to pass comprehensive immigration legislation to fix our broken borders; ensure respect for the laws of this country; recognize the important economic contribution of immigrant laborers; apprehend those who came here illegally to commit crimes; and deal practically and humanely with those who came here, as my distant ancestors did, to build a better, safer life for their families, without excusing the fact they came here illegally or granting them privileges before those who have been waiting their turn outside the country. Many Americans did not believe us when we said we would secure our borders, and so we failed in our efforts. I don't want to fail again to achieve comprehensive immigration reform. We must prove we have the resources to secure our borders and use them, while respecting the dignity and rights of citizens and legal residents of the United States. When we have achieved our border security goal, we must enact and implement the other parts of practical, fair and necessary immigration policy. We have economic and humanitarian responsibilities as well, and they require no less dedication from us in meeting them."
The basics, according to his web page:
"Securing Our Borders First. John McCain's top immigration priority is to finish securing our borders in an expedited manner. Governors of border states will be required to certify that the border is secure.
"Comprehensive Immigration Initiatives for a Secure Nation. Once the borders are secure, John McCain will:
Prosecute “Bad-Actor” Employers.
Meet America’s Labor Needs.
Eliminate the Family Backlog."
Details of his program can be found here.
McCain is pretty moderate on immigration (for a Republican) and has been called McAmnesty by anti-immigration zealots.
Meanwhile, there is a new IMMIGRATION ADVOCACY GROUP called America's Voice. You can read about it here. It's a pretty interesting new group, headed by Frank Sharry, a well-known advocate for immigrants. It will be involving itself in voter registration efforts. It advocates for "smart reform, common sense reform," and its objective is to move immigration from its place as a "wedge issue" and a fear issue to a place where reform can be "tough and smart" without being mean-spirited.