This is not just a blog of recipes but of history and culture and joie de vivre. Excuse the French.
A sampling from a recent post:
Dichos Mexicanos Relativos a la Cocina
• "A comer y a la cama, una vez se llama"
• "A falta de pan, tortillas"
• "Al mejor cocinero se le va un jitomate entero"
• "Las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso"
• "Del plato a la boca se cae la sopa"
• "A comer y a misa, una vez se avisa"
• "Donde no hay harina, todo es ruina"
• "Las penas con pan son menos"
• "Barriga llena, corazón contento"
• "Entre menos burros, más olotes"
• "Para todo mal, mezcal. Para todo bien, también"
• "Cuando como no conozco"
• "Primero mis dientes, luego mis parientes"
• "A los hombres por el estomago se les conquista"
It is indeed in Spanish, but that shouldn't hold you back!
The above sayings -- some of them I'm not sure how to translate.
You only need to call someone to eat and to bed once.
If you don't have bread, eat tortillas.
To the best cook goes a whole tomato.
Telling it like it is and thick chocolate. Hmmmm. Help!
On the way from the dish to the mouth the soup falls.
To go to eat and to mass, you are advised once...
You get the idea.
Your translations would be much appreciated! Do them instead of worrying about the election.
At the top of Cocinando con los Sentidos, you will always find this "cartel."
Mexicans are sad and so angry at the violence that narcotráfico is visiting on this beautiful country and the people in it.