This op ed piece appeared this morning in the NY Times. It argues very persuasively that the government should stop the drone attacks in Afghanistanin and it is written by two true experts, David Kilcullen who was a counterinsurgency advicor to General David Petraeus from 2006 to 2008 and Andrew Exum, fellow at the Center for a New American Security and Army officer in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2002 to 2004. What does this have to do with Mexico? A lot. It offers irrefutable arguments against having citizens be collateral damage in attacks against enemies embedded among them. Obama's administration seems to be just as blind as Bush's about this fact. Militarizing the border and providing heavy weaponry to Calderón isn't the approach that will work. As the article says, killing terrorists (or narco murderers) isn't wrong; it's how you go about it that matters.
Op-Ed Contributors - Death From Above, Outrage Down Below -
Op-Ed Contributors - Death From Above, Outrage Down Below -