I'd been lazily snapping photos of our local candidates in the congressional elections coming up on July 5 when I came across this post on MEXFILES about a candidate in Pachuco (capital of Hidalgo) who is involved in an imbroglio overe whether her ads are too sexy. Stolen from El Universal, a picture of one of her ads:
Well, maybe it's too cute, but for sexy it doesn't come close to this one of Sylvia Monge, running as a Panista here in our area (my photo):
It says: Woman of action.
Here's Sylvia meeting with dairy farmers (from her website):
And Sylvia, Woman of the People (from her website):
Sylvia is from Coatepec. She was a nursery and elementary school teacher for fifteen years. She's been actively involved in politics for ten years and has served as a Deputy in the State Legislature (Veracruz). She is running as a family values candidate. You can read her biography here.
I haven't heard of any objections to her campaign.