More on the fake tequila story from this morning's Diario de Xalapa (my translation):
The product [fake tequila], made from distilled alcohol, was seized a month ago and laboratory tests [chromatographic analysis] proved that it was a false product which didn't compy with the requirements for being a genuine product made from agave.
As part of the destruction protocol, the false tequila was thrown in the receptacles at the plant in the northern zone of Veracruz which treats residual waters whr ee it was mixedwith discharges of black water to be incorporated in the cleaning process after which it would all go into the sea (Gulf of Mexico).
En Jalisco, [Ramón González Figueroa, director of the Tequila Regulatory Council] emphasized that in Jalisco [state which is the origin of much if not most agave used in tequila] the number of people wanting to sell fake tequila is declining. Recently four people were detained for this practice which damages the tequila industry."Attempts to export fake tequila are occuring with less frequency, but it is [in Jalisco] that the problem which discredits the image of Mexican tequila in international markets occurs. The good thing is that there is a federal government infrastructure to monitor the product and to ensure its authenticity," he emphasized.
He said that at present the falsification of labels and elaboration of false tequila is a serious crime and that a permanent operative functions under the Procurador General's Office [I think more or less like the Justice Department in the US] together with the Office of Consumer Protection and the Secretary of the Economy.
In the last five years, he stressed, there have been strong measures taken against fake tequila at customs in Nuevo Léon, Tijuana and Veracruz, which have led to the capture of more than 150,000 liters of fake tequila. Also there have been efforts to combat its use in countries where it is consumed, such as Uruguay and Spain.
And now: Mexico has drawn a much clearer and bolder line between religion and government than has the United States. This is very evident in the schools. There is no issue with teaching. evolution in them. Aspects of the theory of evolution exist not only in the schools but on them: