Gail Collins in the New York Times on politicians in New York, New Jersey, California and Nevada, for just a start. And this is just very recent news. It's funny on the one hand, on the other, among many, many other things, the once-stellar California system of education and its once stellar University of California are being decimated.
And they didn't even mention Texas, home of the Tea Parties and good ole boy Rick Perry.
Little old ladies must love this shot of Rick:
I bet Sarah Palin does, too.
Anyway, the Tea Parties are connected to Rick's being champion of Texas sovereignty and turning down stimulus money for it.
A good blog for good ole Texas gossip is South Texas Chisme. My friend Escotito de New Orleans says Louisiana is awful. I imagine it is. Which actually gets us back to DC and the fact that Mississippi is swimming in money for post-Katrina repairs (good ole Republican guv, good ole Republican Senators) while Louisiana, and in particular New Orleans, is not.
Hey, folks, you ain't seen nothin' yet.