NOTE: I am typing this into the skinny little "quick compose" window on my typepad dashboard. It has no editing features and I can't make links. More details will follow if and when they get the damn thing up and running as it should.
The Abortion Issue in Mexican Public Opinion
There have been no angry demonstrations or bombing of abortion clinics or murders of clinic doctors here in Mexico, as far as I know, but the abortion issue is a topic of much interest. A new survey (Dec 2009) by Consulta Mitofsky offers some insight into Mexicans' attitudes. I'lll summarize for you.
--There is growing approval of the majority of methods of contraception and "Interruption of pregnancy." Remember, in Mexico, schools provide full sex education.
In 2008
+ condoms received 94.3% approval from the general public.
+ contraceptives received 87.7% approval
+The morning after pill received 70.1% approval
+ Abortions received 35.8% approval
in 2009, looking only at abortion:
+ among the whole popoulation, against abortion at least in part, 45.3%
+ among the whole population, those in favor of at least in some circumstances, was 48.8%
Broken down into groups,
those in accord partly or completely with the legalilzation of abortion:
men: 48.1
women: 49.5
Not in accord partly or completely:
men: 48.1%
women 45.7%
Men who didn't know or had no opinion: 7.1%, women: 4.8%
18-29: 53.6%
30-49: 51.0%
50 and over: 37%
Don-t approve by age:
18-29: 40.9%
30-49: 51%
50 and over: 37.2%
The no-opinion or don't know crowd was largest among the fify ad over at 8.4%. 30 to 49 year olds were at 4.7%, 18-29 year olds were at 5.5%.
By education:
None or just primary: 35.9% approved, 56.1 disapproved, 8.0% no opinion/don't know.
secondary/preparatory school: 53.1 approved, 1.5% disapproved, 5.4% didn't know, no opinion.
University or higher: approve, 63.3% approved, 34.3% disapproved.
Urban: 52.5% appprove, 41.5 disapproved
rural: 31.8% approved, 62.== disapproved
North: 43.8% approved, 48.7 % disapproved
Bajio: 37.1 approved, 59.7% disapprove
Centrol de México; 62.6 approve, 29.00 disapprove
Sureste: 2.8 approve, 53.9 disapprove
Also changing:
in April 1907 73.9% of the population thought abortion ought to be a crime, 19.7% thought it shouldn't be.
In April 1909 it had fallen to 41.1% thought it should be a crime, and 45.7% thought it shouldn't be.
This is broken down, too, but I am getting very impatient typing in this skinny "quick compose" box with no edit features. I will put in more later.
I am getting really impatient trying to type all this into the skinny "quick compose" box on typepad...with no editing features. I will save the rest for more