Actually, we call it our traditional walk. It's our fall-back walk when we want to go for a walk and get a tiny bit away from the house (maybe fifteen minutes) and don't want to try a new one. It's also very beautiful. In this post, among other photos, I'm going to put photos of some of the flowers we saw. I have been wanting to document them according to the time of year I see them. Mostly they grow along side of the road. All are found in both sunshine and in shade. I don't know the names of any of them and would welcome your help identifying them.
First, a picture from the top of the hill at the beginning of our walk:
These are tiny blue flowers, about half an inch in diameter each.
This flower, maybe an inch in diameter, is actually much more intensely lavenderish-
purple than in this photo.
This yellow flower (it seems yellow flowers predominate), also about an inch, or maybe a bit more or less, in diameter tends to grow in extravagant clusters.
But they arae different from these:
This flower looks kind of like a rose. It is also about an inch in diameter. Its petals are thickish and fuzzy.
A tiny yellow star:
These are very small white flowers that grow in clusters. When they open a bit more, the seeds fly out gently like dandelion seeds.
A little blue flower. I doctored a bit so it looks kind of fake. But the blue is more intense than in the original. We saw lots of these in Texas, too.
White flowers on a stalk maybe three or four inches long:
I suspect these are wild lantana:
The yellow flowers are at most half an inch in diameter. The white, as you can see, are truly tiny.
The one below is not a good picture at all, but I was intrigued by the long stalk that wends its way more or less from the center down to the right. The little dots are very very small pinkish flowers that seem to have only one petal each.
A natural fern wall:
Here you can see some truly deadly-looking thorns, Those are thorns, not branches.
Giaco enjoying it, as much as he's able to enjoy a stream.
Going up the hill on the other side of the stream is a farm that I think one man owns. We talked to him on this walk. Here are some scenes from his farm.
This is a living fence he has made. I forgot the name of the trees he is using, but you just have to stick a hefty branch in the ground, and they take root and grow like mad. The other posts are also tree trunks. They I don't think were intended to grow. By the way, that's Jim you see walking.
The sheep have been sheered. Here they are in a field, including one shot with a bull.
The farmer is putting a second story on his house. He has a fabulous view from his hilltop.
That's all for now!