Consulta Mitovsky does lot of surveys on Mexican public opinion. Here is the current survey on attitudes towards reforming Pemex which I wrote about in my last post. I've translated and/or summarized most of it below. You can find the survey itself here, followed by a summary of the methodology.
1. Have youheard something about energy reform?
62.2% si, 36.5 no.
2. What do you think Pemex's general situation is?
Good to very good: 36.5
Regular: 26.6
Bad to very bad: 25.8
(No answer or something like that): NS/NC) 11.1
3. How necessary for Mexico is energy reform?
Somewhat or very: 53%
A little or not necessary: 32,3
NS/NC 14.0
4.With which of these phrases are you most in agreement?
Pemex has to invest in technology to modernize. 51.6%
Pemex functions well with the resources it has: 35.0
Neither: 4.4
NS/NC 9.0
5. Which of these issues is most important for you and your family?
A lower price for gas and electricity: 40.2
Oil continues being in Mexican hands: 29.8
The government makes transparent the use of resources coming from
petroleum: 13.1.
The environment be cared for by using energy resources like solar and win: 8.5
Private businesses participate in the energy industry: 4.7
None is important. 1.0