The final curtain has fallen. Susan Trigg and Jim's photo exposition is over. I never quite managed to get there at the same time as my camera did (I don't have a smartphone) and so never got to take orderly pictures. But below are a few of Jim's shots seen through my camera as we were taking everything down, and also a few shots of Caftán Rojo, the exhibition space/art school where the show was held. Any fuzziness in the shots is my fault. Jim's photos were beautiful and sharp. The woman who printed them, Mariana del Campo, gave them rich, velvety color. Remember, if you click on them, you can get bigger (but not clearer) images.
A grasshopper hugging a blade of grass.
A mostly blue moth
A Giant Beetle
A ladybug
I hope I am not doing too much of an injustice to this photo by putting up my inadequate version. It was taken at the very top of Cofre de Perote with fog swirling around. The rails lead back to the ladder on which you go down the rocky outcropping which crowns the mountain.
Baby hummingbirds in their nest.
Covered patio at Caftán Rojo. Art students hang out during their break. One girl is an incredibly hoola-hooper. She seems to practice for hours.
The courtyard at Caftán Rojo.
Jim and Susan worked hard putting the exhibit together and hanging it. And they took it down so fast!