Last Wednesday we went to the Xico city hall to pay our predial, or property tax for this year. It wasn't quite the last minute, but almost. The city hall is an old stone building. The original facade has recently been uncovered and it is now fashionably old colonial looking. I will try to remember to post some pictures. This time I am posting photos of two public service posters distributed by the Comisión Nacional de las Derechas Humanas, a federal organization. Click on them to make them big enough to read. The first one, translated into English, says:
"Do you know what you are buying? Some products which you buy have been made by people captured for the purpose of exploiting them in forced work or services. Don't be an accomplice. Behind what you buy there could be a story you don't want to be a part of."
This second image which is definitely eye-catching says, "Seduction is one of the means most used by human traffickers to capture women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Take care! Look past appearances. Behind what you think you want may be a story you don't want to be a part of."
This final notice, stuck on the wall with masking tape, is anything but arty. But it is a nice notice. It advertises on behalf of the State of Veracruz that you can get free civil marriage for a period of time: "The general public is invited to participate in the free matrimony campaign inspired by The Day of Love and Friendship [Valentine's Day here]. Information in the office of the Civil Register from 9am to 3pm.Requirements: Birth certificate, electior credential, CURP, kids' birth certificates."
Here in Veracruz and maybe all México, the civil marriage by a civil officer is required for a legal marriage, followed by a church marriage. For poor people, both can be too costly to afford. Many people just move in together and consider themselves married for this reason. After eight years, it is considered a legal marriage. Even before, both partners are entitled to some right of marriage. But this gesture will certainly be welcomed by some couples. You can see that after a few years, they may very well have kids.
Here we often see public service notices addressing all kinds of issues like these. There are many public health messages on safe sex, taking care of yourself in pregnancy, how to avoid illness, etc. They tend to be quite direct. Also, I am also struck by how art is used, how arty, if you will, the illustrations are. I thought you might enjoy this glimpse into everydayness.