I know,I know. She thinks she's got the best way to cream Donald Trump. So many lawsuits will bury him when he leaves office, he won't be able to breathe.
BUT meanwhile, every day some environmental protection, some civil right, some necessary social protection is being undone. Another of his allies is put forth to head a government agency. How many more until November 21? And what if he wins? And if he doesn''t, what if he resigns just before his presidency is over and Mike Pence exonerates him?
I know it's not anything she would deliberately do, but what if she's so convinced of her rightness and with her followers on short leashes (maybe a little Trump-like) and she is leading the country down the garden path to the destruction of its democracy.
Wjy o why can't she do what's RIGHT, not what she perceives will work. She is being amoral at best. By not following the law and holding impeachment hearings, she is making it okay for the next speaker to evade the law. In fact, she is taking McConnell one step further than he has gone.
What if the Senate doesn't go along? THEY will be the ones who can be held up to the light of day for going along with our gangster president.
Being open, honest and strong will win more than being slimy as she's being right now.
PLEASE, Nancy for us ordinary citizens, forget your rich, rich friends and go for impeachment. Be a DEMOCRAT!