Standing on the road's dividing line are a father, a mother, a little girl of seven or eight and a baby, maybe 8 months old, in the father's arms. They are not Mexicans. They are asking for a handout and I give them some money. Once when I asked a family not unlike this one where they came from, the father said Honduras. Now, in order to avoid US sanctions, people from Honduras, Guatemala and Honduras can be held in Mexico. I can't remember for sure, but I think they are supposed to be able still to apply for hearings in the US, but they can't enter. I don't know how these refugees are living, but somehow they are. Compared to some horror stories, I suppose they are lucky.
Trumps alleged efforts to push the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden seem like small potatoes given his administration's treatment of refugees. I am not talking about letting everyone come in to the US who wants to. I'm talking about providing humane treatment. The only reason people born in the US are allowed to stay is because they had the luck to be born there. Where we come from is really not a matter of choice.
For one account of migrants, read this story in the New Yorker of ICE coming to Morton, Mississippi:
About one in ten of the city’s residents was jailed or fired after raids at local chicken plants. But, for most, Morton is still home.
For one about children, read this one:
From The New York Times:
Detentions of Child Migrants at the U.S. Border Has Surged to Record Levels
Detentions have surged as the Trump administration’s aggressive policy toward migrants has collided with an exodus of children fleeing Central America.
Or this one about detention camps from The Atlantic Monthly:
The Trump administration’s commitment to deterring immigration through cruelty has made horrifying conditions in detention facilities inevitable.
These are just three stories I found over the past several days. Obviously there are many more.
This is one set of horrendous abouses Trump should be impeached for, and those perpetrating these policies should, at the very least, be fired.
As I said I am not advocating open borders through which anyone and everyone can run. But there are many, many other possibilities not motivated by irrational hatred and racism.